Judaism 101

Join us for a crash course on Judaism! Discover the history, key principles and practices of our heritage, from ancient times to the modern era!

Date: 4 Sundays, 10:30am-11:30am, Starting on May 5th 2024

In person and on Zoom

Course Registration: $50

A Spiritual Roadmap To Inner Equilibrium 

Presented by Rabbi Berel Lerman

Join us for a fascinating class on navigating one’s inner make up based on Kabbalistic teachings as presented in the book Tanya by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi.

Discover practical ways to navigate the often-conflicting inner forces of your being and learn how to achieve peace, clarity and purpose.

This course will analyze the root of mental and emotional obstacles that may stand in the way of one’s growth and wellbeing; such as addiction, anxiety, fear and phobias. In addition, we will explore ways of overcoming inner obstacles based on the make up of one’s soul structure; including mind, heart, G-dly and animals souls.

Date: TBD

In Person and on Zoom

Course Registration: $75

Lesson One: Understanding Inner Friction
This lesson explores the origins of inner friction and obstacles to achieving happiness and equilibrium. We will also analyze the causes of depression, fear, phobias, and anxiety. These issues stem from the divergent subconscious viewpoints of the two inner human psyches, one being Divine and the other Animalistic.

Lesson Two: Structure of Human Psyche
This lesson analyzes the structure of the human psyche which includes the ten soul powers. Three of the ten are cognitive and seven are emotional and impulse based. The cognitive soul powers rooted in the mind are influenced by the Divine soul and the emotional soul powers rooted in the heart are influenced by the animal soul. Reality can be perceived in two divergent ways based on the cognitive perception of reality or the emotional perception of reality. Imbalances of the soul can also be a contributing factor to one’s strengths or weaknesses.

Lesson Three: Dealing With Life’s Problems

This lesson will explore how to deal with life’s challenges, especially when the going gets rough. The response to life’s challenges could not be more different – based on the reaction of the cognitive Divine soul or the emotional Animal soul.

Lesson Four: Achieving Inner Equilibrium
This lesson will suggest practical ways to get one’s ducks in a row and how to achieve inner happiness and equilibrium. In addition to the principles outlined in the previous lessons, a key ingredient is the practice of meditation which helps align one’s inner conflicting drives to be a harmonious unit. Methods of daily meditation will be explored.

Zoom Kabbalah Study Program